Recruitment Scams

We know of an online recruitment scam which involves fraudsters posing as our representatives to get personal information or steal money.

These fraudsters are contacting people through social media and other messaging platforms (such as WhatsApp), asking them to share their personal details or pay money in order to apply for a job. The scam often offers a work from home opportunity, doing clerical, data entry, payroll, and/or administrative work.

To trick people into thinking this and the job advertisements are legitimate, the Aviva name and other public information from our official websites is being used. Unfortunately, these are not legitimate.

These fraudsters tend to target those in the U.S. Please note that Aviva Canada does not hire for cross-border employment.

What to look for

  • To help you spot online recruitment scams, look out for:

    • Requests for personal information that came from someone you don't know or don't trust
    • Being asked to pay money as part of the application process (such as a 'pre-employment screening fee')
    • Being asked to purchase office equipment/supplies and provide your bank information for reimbursement
    • Offers of employment which seem too good to be true, or too easy to secure
    • Messages about jobs you haven't applied for or didn't expect
    • Unusual benefits relating to a job, such as a salary quoted in a different currency
    • Messages which reference coronavirus (COVID-19)

What to do if you’re approached

We're actively working with technology companies to shut down fraudulent email addresses and social media accounts used in these scams, but if you're approached, it's important you know what to do next.

If you're contacted by someone you don't know or trust asking you to apply for a role at Aviva, do not reply to their message. Instead report this to us.

If you have any doubts about the legitimacy of a job at Aviva which you're applying for, get in touch at

We investigate every report we receive, and we'll let you know what you need to do to stay safe.

If you have information relating to potential insurance fraud against Aviva, or are an Aviva Canada customer, and you believe that you may have been the victim of insurance fraud, contact our 24 hours a day, seven days a week Fraud Information Centre:

If you have provided any personal information which you believe is linked to a scam, we also recommend that you contact your local police department, as well as your financial institution.

Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to determine if this incident should also be reported to your financial institutions and/or local police authorities

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