Additional Living Expenses: What you need to know

A paper receipt

Definition of the ALE coverage

If an Insured Peril makes your dwelling unfit for occupancy, or you have to move out while repairs are being made, we insure any necessary increase in living expenses, including moving expenses incurred by you, so that your household can maintain its normal standard of living. Payment shall be for the reasonable period of time required to rebuild or repair your dwelling or, if you permanently relocate, the reasonable time required for your household to settle elsewhere.


The ALE covers anything over and above your normal expenses. For example, if your family cooked meals at home and you are staying in accommodations where you are able to cook meals, the cost of food would not be covered as this is a normal expense. If you were unable to cook meals and had to eat at a restaurant the increase/difference in expense would be covered.


Please track your expenses, keep receipts and check with your adjuster on coverage before you incur expenses or purchase something.

For more information about the Additional Living Expenses (ALE), please contact your broker, your Aviva adjuster or call 1 866 MYAVIVA (692 8482).

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