Basement Flooding: How to avoid standing in knee deep in water

Basements can flood for a variety of reasons such as sewer issues, surface flooding, and excess water due to severe storm weather. A yearly home inspection may help you find issues that could lead to a flood such as:

  • Cracks in the foundation walls
  • Poor drainage
  • Overflowing or clogged eaves troughs and downspouts

Depending on where you live, your home may be more prone to flooding. When buying a home, make sure that you are aware of any flooding issues in the area. Here are few tips to consider that may help prevent basement flooding:

  • Get a plumber to inspect your home for potential issues that could lead to flooding. 
  • Clean your eaves troughs on a regular basis.
  • Refrain from pouring oils and fats that can block drains.
  • Keep storm sewer drains clear of debris.
  • If you have a sump-pump consider having it equipped with battery back up in case of power outage and make sure to inspect it regularly to ensure it is working correctly.

Understanding the signs and being proactive about taking care of your home can help you reduce the risk of flooding. More information is available from your insurance broker or from

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