Beware of phishing emails using Aviva brand and logo

Male sitting at table with laptop looking reviewing paperwork

Scam alert!

We have been made aware of phishing emails being sent to Canadians, bearing Aviva Canada’s name and logo. The email offers a brand new fire safety kit for those who complete a questionnaire about their experience with Aviva. This is not legit, and a phishing attempt by fraudsters to collect information about you.

Do not click on any links or provide any personal details about yourself.

Red flags in this phishing email:

  • Fake sender domain (emails from Aviva end with
  • No such thing as Aviva Rewards or Aviva Good Shopper
  • Grammatical errors

If you have received such an email, please contact Aviva Verify and our 24/7 Fraud Information Centre:

If you report this matter to us, do not discard the email until advised to do so.

If you have provided any personal information which you believe is linked to a scam, we also recommend that you contact your local police department, as well as your financial institution. 

More tips on how to protect yourself here.


Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to determine if this incident should also be reported to your financial institutions and/or local police authorities

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