Beware of suspicious telephone calls

Person looking at cellphone while receiving an incoming scam call

We have had reports from individuals advising that they have received telephone calls, allegedly from Aviva, advising them of billing concerns and missed payments. According to the reports, callers have demanded immediate payment and have instructed that failing to do so will result in the person’s policy being cancelled.

Please be advised these calls do not appear to be originating from Aviva Canada.

Aviva Canada rarely initiates phone calls to customers regarding billing concerns. Should there be a billing issue, letters are generally issued and mailed to our customers. In cases where concerns are escalated to a collection agency, the collection agency will first notify our customers via a mailed letter, followed by a telephone call.

Impersonation fraud is a scheme that involves an imposter who imitates a legitimate person or business, often for financial gain. It is important to always remain vigilant, as these types of scams are on the rise!

Here are some tips to help keep yourself protected:

  • Be mindful of tone – scammers often use emotion and urgency to make the victim feel compelled to act quickly (for example, demanding immediate payment and being advised that if you don’t, you risk having your policy cancelled).
  • Scrutinize the phone call – ask yourself questions. For example, are you a customer of this business, is your billing up to date, etc.
  • Obtain information – ask the caller for his/her phone number, where they are calling from, and what policy number they are referring to.

We’re here to assist you

If you receive a suspicious phone call regarding a billing issue or missed payment, call us directly. Our friendly Billing team can confirm any information or concerns directly with you and can be readily reached at 1-800-360-5009 (select option 1).

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