Celebrating our Charged for Change communities: Township of Manitouwadge, Ontario

A road with the Canadian Shield terrain sloping up from the side

Building a better tomorrow, together with Earth Day Canada, Aviva Canada is taking action on climate change and helping to build stronger, more resilient communities by investing in public charging stations for electric vehicles. Charged for Change is a program that funds public electric vehicle (EV) charging installations in communities across Canada with limited or no access to EV infrastructure. Join us as we celebrate the unique stories of our Charged for Change communities in the Township of Manitouwadge, Ontario, as they transition towards electric mobility.

North of Superior  -- Manitouwadge, Ontario - 49°08′N 85°50′W

Atop the Canadian Shield, amongst some of the world’s oldest rock, and surrounded by the Boreal forest that covers the country, the Township of Manitouwadge offers a glimpse into the mystique of the Canadian wilderness. The natural environment, mountains, lakes, and rivers reveal some of the most pristine moments you can find in our spectacular northern world.

A name that’s gives a nod to Indigenous roots

Resting between Sault St. Marie and Thunder Bay, and just a smidge North, Manitouwadge falls within the vast traditional territory of the Ojibway people. In fact, the name Manitouwadge is an Ojibway word that means, “Cave of the Great Spirit”. It’s an homage to Manitou, the spiritual life force among Anishinaabe groups1.

In the vein of a mining town

It’s safe to say, Manitouwadge is a mining town. Unlike many other Ontario communities that were founded by adventurous settlers looking for a better life, Manitouwadge was established when a stake was claimed by General Engineering Co Limited (later known as Noranda, Xstrata, and now part of  Glencore) to mine copper. The new town got a supercharged start when prospectors Roy Barker, Bill Dawd, and Jack Forster discovered a deposit of copper-zinc2. In the early 80’s, gold was discovered 50 kilometres south of town, giving it an additional resource extraction boost. What every mining town’s resident knows though, is that mines have an expiration date. And although the mines have closed the Township is still holding strong with over 1,900 citizens.

The fun to be had in Manitouwadge

Kiwissa Ski Hill – hit the hills for some alpine exhilaration or give the toboggan a whirl on the designated sliding hill.

Lions Beach and Prospector’s Park – embrace the pristine at serene Manitouwadge Lake, shrouded by dense Northern Ontario forest. Swim, play, or picnic in an idyllic environment.

Manitouwadge Museum – get lost in the preserved past of Manitouwadge with well-cared for relics from the Township’s yesterdays.

Waterfalls – go chasing waterfalls amongst the majesty of the rugged Canadian Shield landscape. Check out Four Bay Falls, High Falls, Labrador Falls, Manitou Falls, Middle Falls, Nama Falls, Small Falls and Twin Falls.

Charged for Change: Public charging stations and infrastructure for electric vehicles

We’re thrilled to have been welcomed to the Township of Manitouwadge to fund the installation of EV charging stations, allowing climate-conscious drivers to charge their vehicles amongst the beautiful landscapes of the Canadian Shield country north of Lake Superior.

Stay tuned for our next EV journey to another municipality, as we introduce our 2024 Charged for Change municipalities. Visit Charged for Change: Bringing electric vehicle charging infrastructure to your community (aviva.ca) to learn more.


1 Manitou - Wikipedia

2 Our History - Manitouwadge

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