Going all in on the cottage lifestyle this season

A man and two women in their 20’s happily sit outside on a cottage porch to enjoy a coffee.

For most, cottages represent the perfect getaway…getting away from the daily grind, work, and the stresses of modern living. However, it’s not just about getting there, it’s about being there. There are ways for cottagers to really feel part of the environment, culture, and community of their cottage locations.

Food for thought

They say you are what you eat. Cottagers have plenty of chances to take in local food culture. By searching for and scheduling their visits to align with regional farmer’s markets, cottagers can fill their kitchens with locally grown produce that are native to their cottage environment. On top of that, there are the treats and goodies made by their kitchen savvy neighbours. Plus, local farmers often open their doors to visitors who wish to purchase their agricultural goods.

Cottaging by design

A little R and R can be a true work of art. Many of our Canadian rural environments have thriving art communities. By patronizing those painters, sculptors, textile makers, and other creatively inclined spirits, cottagers can bring inspired local work to their walls, floors, and surfaces. Plus, there are local craftspeople who design and build accessories and furnishings. Cottaging can be a truly immersive experience.

Cottage culture

A night on the town in cottage country can be like no other. Many small communities have a healthy cultural scene, promising a more intimate and authentic connection to the performance and its players. Local musicians, community centre concerts, church group plays, and other cultural events offer a sincere connection to a place and its people.

Get there. Be there.

During the slog of a work week, we dream of getting there. But we should also dream of being there. By planning and designing a more immersive cottage experience, cottagers can truly recharge with the help of local food, art, and culture.

Discover how to make the most of cottage living for a sunny and secure season with information ranging from inspiration to insurance.

Go all in on cottaging with RetreatLife

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