Keep safe and sober on the roads this season

Red car speeding through the street.

It doesn’t seem to matter how often we talk about the dangers of drinking and driving. Someone, somewhere, isn’t listening.

According to statistics provided by the Ontario Provincial Police, impaired driving is the leading criminal cause of death in Canada. And sadly, arrests for impaired driving hit a year-long peak during the final weeks of the year.

For those who haven’t noticed, the penalties for drinking and driving are considerably tougher, thanks to groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). Even for first-time offenders, defending a drunk-driving arrest is expensive.

“Everyone recognizes that the holiday season is a great time to reconnect with family and friends and celebrate with a few drinks,” said Glenn Cooper from Aviva Canada. “It’s important, though, to have a plan in place to get yourself and your loved ones home safely.”

Cooper offers some simple tips to ensure a safe and happy holiday season:

• Plan ahead: If you’re likely to consume alcohol at an event or party, don’t take your vehicle.

• Use a designated driver: Remember, the “least impaired” person in the room is not a designated driver.

• Use public transit: If this is not an option, make arrangements to spend the night if you’re visiting a friend.

• Use a taxi or limousine service: There are more than 35,000 operating in Canada.

By following these sobering safety tips, let’s hope Canadians responsibly enjoy the best of the holiday season and the year ahead.

More information is available from your insurance broker or online at

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