Learn more about tenant insurance from Aviva

Woman holding a mug looking outside a window on a rainy day with a smile.

August  2019

Whether your customers are homeowners or rent, protecting their belongings should be top of mind. Replacing items like their bikes, beds and computers can really add up, especially if they need to replace everything they own all at once. With Aviva’s tenant insurance, your customers get the coverage they need for the things that matter most to them. When speaking with your customers who rent, ask them the following questions: 

  1. What would they do if everything they own was lost in a flood or fire? Could they afford to replace it all themselves? 
  2. If their place needed to be repaired after a loss or was evacuated in an emergency for several days, could they afford to live somewhere else? 
  3. What happens if they’re legally liable for a loss and are sued? Could they afford to pay the legal fees and damages?

If the answer to any of these questions is ‘no’, tenant insurance is a reasonable solution that can help your customers protect themselves and their possessions.

Tenant insurance 101

Tenant insurance is virtually the same as home insurance, except it doesn’t cover the physical dwelling or any outbuildings. Here’s what’s included with a standard Aviva tenant insurance policy

  • Belongings – your customers get replacement cost coverage for everything they own, wear or use while at home. This includes their books, clothing, appliances, electronics and more, and even extends to property that’s temporarily away from their home while they’re travelling. 
  • Liability – if someone is injured at your customer’s home, or they unintentionally injure someone else or damage their property, they’ll be covered in the event of a lawsuit. 
  • Additional living expenses – if your customers have to leave their homes temporarily due to a claim, their hotel costs and increased travel expenses will be covered. 

We also offer a number of optional coverages, so your customers can customize their policies to meet their needs: 

  • Water protection – your customers can get additional protection with sewer backup and overland water coverage. 
  • ID theft – this coverage can include enhanced credit and debit card coverage, lost income protection, legal fees and more. 
  • Earthquake insurance – our earthquake add-on options help your customers protect their home and belongings (available in British Columbia only). 
  • Home-based business – running a home business is a dream of many Canadians. Your customers will get peace of mind knowing that their inventory, computers, files and more will all be covered. 
  • Claim protector – your customers can keep their claims-free discount after their first claim.

Your customers can save on their tenant insurance with discounts for:

  • combining their tenant and auto policies 
  • staying claims free

Did you know?

Children who live away from home for college or university are protected by their parents’ home insurance policy for their belongings and liability coverage. Please note that coverage for students’ belongings is limited to $10,000 and if the student signs a lease, they may be required to obtain their own tenant’s insurance. If their children take a vehicle with them to post-secondary school, they do need to update their auto insurance policy as this could affect their rating. 

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