Make hiring the right truck drivers a priority for your business

truck driver in front of truck

If your company depends on trucks to transport goods, it’s important to make the hiring of qualified truck drivers a top priority. Employing trained drivers will ensure public safety and delivery of goods to your customers. Holding high standards for hiring professional truck drivers can also help lower risks of accidents while on the road and contribute to the success of your company. 

Benefits of a good hire

Hiring trained and experienced commercial truck drivers can safely get your delivery from A to B. This can positively affect your brand and reputation, your relationship with customers and suppliers, and your company culture and morale. When you hire right the first time, you’ll more likely retain good drivers, and avoid the time, money and effort needed for remedial training and/or to go through the hiring process again.

Reading between the lines

Time and a lack of resources are two of the major reasons why companies end up hiring the wrong drivers. But 35 per cent of employers have fired an employee after discovering they lied on a resume according to a survey by OfficeTeam and 37 per cent of Canadians admitted knowing someone who lied on their resumes. These lies most frequently embellish job experience and duties so simply reviewing a resume or conducting a telephone interview may not be enough.

Screening due diligence

You also can’t tell from a resume if a potential driver has a tendency to take unnecessary risks or has a history of non-compliance with company policies or government regulations. Hiring well means gathering as much information as possible about any potential hires and verifying all claims regarding experience and education. At a minimum this information should include:

  • Criminal records checks
  • Driver’s records
  • Employment history
  • Education

Thorough pre-employment screening of drivers is time consuming, but it can be critical to preventing future problems.

Aviva can help

Aviva partner, Making Eligibility Easier (MEE), can streamline the process with a single online environment that manages resumes and interviews. They also quickly and thoroughly check the history and credentials of all potential hires on a company’s behalf. Companies can choose from an extensive menu of options that will ensure they hire the right people.

Contact Aviva’s Risk Management team for more information on how MEE can help your


MEE - Driver Qualification System. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Lying on resumés common: Survey. (2017, August 23). Retrieved from

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