Water damage: what’s covered?

What comes to mind when you hear the words “water damage”? Is it an image of an overflowing bathtub? Or water streaming down the basement walls? Both are correct, but it doesn’t stop there.


Read on to learn more about different sources of water. To determine if your insurance coverage includes all water damage, speak to your broker.

  1. Water damage due to a breakdown of an appliance such as a dishwasher or a washing machine is typically covered under your basic home insurance policy. The same applies for an overflowing sink or bathtub. Whenever possible, make sure someone is close by when these are in use so any accidents can be prevented.   
  2. A backed up sewer can cause sewer water to overflow from toilets, bathtubs and shower drains. Protection for damage resulting from a mainline sewer backup is usually an optional add on to your insurance policy. If you do not have this coverage already, speak with your broker to determine if this additional coverage is right for you. If the sewer infrastructure in your neighbourhood is on the older side and/or if you’re property is on a downward slope from the sewer line on your street you may be more vulnerable to a loss
  3. Protection from water main breaks, seepage from severe storms, a leaking roof or burst water pipes typically require additional coverage to be added to your insurance policy.  
  4. Flooding caused by swollen rivers and lakes is covered by Overland Water insurance*. Due to a marked increase in severe weather events, this type of flooding can quickly become destructive and costly. If you do not have this coverage already, speak with your broker to determine if this additional coverage is right for you.




*Certain limitations, restrictions and conditions apply.



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