Ride-Sharing Insurance

Get ride-share coverage to make sure you’re protected

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If you want to drive your own vehicle to carry paying passengers for a ride-sharing service such as Uber or Lyft, make sure you’re protected. 

Get the coverage you need

Did you know that your standard automobile insurance policy doesn’t usually cover the commercial or for-profit-use of your vehicle?

If you have an auto insurance policy with us and you would like to drive for a ride-sharing service such as Uber or Lyft, you must add our ride-share coverage to your policy. This add-on allows you to use your vehicle to participate in a ride-sharing service and covers you and your passengers under your personal auto policy.

Call your insurance representative to add this coverage to your auto insurance policy with us.

If your vehicle is not insured with Aviva and you intend to drive for a ride-sharing service, you should talk to your insurance broker first.

For Lyft drivers in Ontario

If you’re a Lyft driver in Ontario, you’re covered under Lyft’s commercial insurance policy with Aviva during any time that you’re available to accept passengers, to the moment passengers exit your vehicle. Learn more here.

For Hopp drivers in Ontario

If you’re a Hopp driver in Ontario, you’re covered under Hopp’s commercial insurance policy with Aviva during any time that you’re available to accept passengers, to the moment passengers exit your vehicle. Learn more here.

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