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  • Aviva Insurance Company of Canada Broker Compensation

    As an insurer, Aviva Insurance Company of Canada (Aviva) has agency contracts with insurance brokers who provide advice and purchase insurance cover on their client’s behalf.

    We take great care to ensure that our brokers who are under contract will operate to the highest professional standards. They earn their brokerage compensation as part of the insurance premium paid in the form of a commission.

    Brokers have a duty to disclose their commission earnings on a given policy to their client if so requested. The standard commissions paid by Aviva are:

    • Private Passenger Automobile 10.0 - 13.5%
    • Personal Household & Property 15.0 - 25.0%
    • Personal umbrella 15.0%
    • Commercial Property 20.0%
    • Commercial Casualty 20.0%
    • Commercial automobile 7.5 - 25.0%
    • Commercial Surety 15.0 - 27.5%
    • Other classes of insurance 15.0 - 20.0%

    Aviva Insurance Company of Canada may from time to time enter into non-standard arrangements which could have compensation terms that fall outside these ranges.

    Contingent Profit Commissions (CPC)

    As part of our contracts with brokers/agents, Aviva recognizes broker efforts through the potential payment of Contingent Profit Commissions. CPC payments are not guaranteed – and are based on a share of the profitability of business submitted by the broker over an extended period – typically 3 years.

    Profitability is measured by comparing premium revenue against expenses (eg claims cost, broker commission, staff salaries and premises costs etc).

    Between 2010 to 2012, Aviva paid profit commissions of 2.2% of total revenues.

    Other Services

    A small number of Aviva brokers carry out additional services on our behalf. These may include data entry, processing claims payments and conducting site surveys. This additional work is compensated by payment of an agreed fee or commission.

    Broker Ownership and Business Loans

    Aviva, from time to time, has provided and will continue to provide financial support to a small number of brokers/agents for the purposes of succession continuity and business expansion. These may take the form of an equity position or loans. We expect these arrangements would in no way impact the advice given to customers but these ownership and financial arrangements should be disclosed by brokers to their clients.

    From time to time, as part of normal business practice, we may invite individuals from broker offices to participate in entertainment events.

    If you have any queries, please write to or contact your insurance broker.

    Traders General Insurance Company Broker Compensation

    As an insurer, Traders General Insurance Company (Traders) has agency contracts with insurance brokers and independent agents who provide advice and purchase insurance cover on their client's behalf.

    We take great care to ensure that our brokers and agents who are under contract will operate to the highest professional standards. They earn their compensation as part of the insurance premium paid in the form of a commission.

    Brokers and agents have a duty to disclose their commission earnings on a given policy to their client if so requested. The standard commissions paid by Traders vary by the extent to which either the broker, or Traders undertake certain tasks at first placement and at policy renewal.

    This explains the range of possible commissions:

    • Private passenger automobile 7.0 - 14.0%
    • Personal household & property 15.0 - 21.5%

    Traders General Insurance Company may from time to time enter into non-standard arrangements which could have compensation terms that fall outside these ranges.

    Contingent Profit Commissions (CPC)

    As part of our contracts with brokers/agents, Traders recognizes broker efforts through the potential payment of Contingent Profit Commissions. CPC payments are not guaranteed - and are based on a share of the profitability of business submitted by the broker over an extended period - typically 3 years.

    Profitability is measured by comparing premium revenue against expenses (e.g. claims cost, broker commission, staff salaries and premises costs etc.).

    Between 2010 to 2012, Traders paid profit commissions of 2.3% of total revenues.

    Other Services

    A small number of Traders brokers and agents carry out additional services on our behalf. These may include data entry, processing claims payments and conducting site surveys. This additional work is compensated by payment of an agreed fee or commission.

    From time to time, as part of normal business practice, we may invite individuals from broker and agent offices to participate in entertainment events.

    If you have any queries, please write to or contact your insurance adviser.

    Elite Insurance Company Broker Compensation

    As an insurer, Elite Insurance Company (Elite) has agency contracts with insurance brokers and independent agents who provide advice and purchase insurance cover on their client's behalf.

    We take great care to ensure that our brokers and agents who are under contract will operate to the highest professional standards. They earn their compensation as part of the insurance premium paid in the form of a commission.

    Brokers and agents have a duty to disclose their commission earnings on a given policy to their client if so requested. The standard commissions paid by Elite are:

    • Private passenger automobile 12.5%
    • Personal household & property 12.5%
    • Other (craft / trailers etc) 15.0 - 20.0%

    Elite Insurance Company may from time to time enter into non-standard arrangements which could have compensation terms that fall outside these ranges.

    Contingent Profit Commissions (CPC)

    As part of our contracts with brokers/agents, Elite recognizes broker efforts through the potential payment of Contingent Profit Commissions. CPC payments are not guaranteed - and are based on a share of the profitability of business submitted by the broker over an extended period - typically 3 years.

    Profitability is measured by comparing premium revenue against expenses (e.g. claims cost, broker commission, staff salaries and premises costs etc.).

    Between 2010 to 2012, Elite paid profit commissions of 2.2% of total revenues.

    Other Services

    A small number of Elite brokers and agents carry out additional services on our behalf. These may include data entry, processing claims payments and conducting site surveys. This additional work is compensated by payment of an agreed fee or commission.

    From time to time, as part of normal business practice, we may invite individuals from broker and agent offices to participate in entertainment events.

    If you have any queries, please write to or contact your insurance adviser.

    From time to time, as part of normal business practice, we may invite individuals from broker and agent offices to participate in entertainment events.

    S&Y Insurance Company Compensation

    As an insurer, S&Y Insurance Company (S&Y) has agency contracts with insurance brokers and independent agents who provide advice and purchase insurance cover on their client's behalf.

    We take great care to ensure that our brokers and agents who are under contract will operate to the highest professional standards. They earn their compensation as part of the insurance premium paid in the form of a commission.

    Brokers and agents have a duty to disclose their commission earnings on a given policy to their client if so requested. The standard commissions paid by S&Y vary by the extent to which either the broker / agent, or S&Y undertake certain tasks at first placement and at policy renewal. This explains the range of possible commissions:

    • Private Passenger Automobile 10.0 - 12.5%

    S&Y may from time to time enter into non-standard arrangements which could have compensation terms that fall outside these ranges.

    Contingent Profit Commissions (CPC)

    As part of our contracts with brokers/agents, S&York recognizes broker efforts through the potential payment of Contingent Profit Commissions. CPC payments are not guaranteed - and are based on a share of the profitability of business submitted by the broker over an extended period - typically 3 years.

    Profitability is measured by comparing premium revenue against expenses (e.g., claims cost, broker commission, staff salaries and premises costs etc).

    Between 2010 to 2012, S&Y paid profit commissions of 2.6% of total revenues.

    Other Services

    A small number of S&Y brokers carry out additional services on our behalf. These may include data entry, processing claims payments and conducting site surveys. This additional work is compensated by payment of an agreed fee or commission.

    From time to time, as part of normal business practice, we may invite individuals from broker and agent offices to participate in entertainment events.

    If you have any queries, please write to or contact your insurance broker.